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The Collectors

Posted: 08/13/2020

080: Monterey Memories with Donald Osborne

What are some of your favorite Monterey Memories this time of year? Audrain Auto Museum CEO Donald Osborne shares some of his favorites as well as his passion for all things automotive.

Posted: 06/04/2020

070: JDM Drifting with Haugen Racing

We're covering everything drifting in this episode with Haugen Racing's, Matt Haugen. Find out what cars make the best drifters.

Posted: 02/13/2020

054: La Bestioni’s Gary Wales

Gary Wales considers himself a "retro-designer". In an attempt to save American firetruck history, and to have some fun, Gary builds the "La Bestioni" cars that create excitement wherever they are shown.

Posted: 01/09/2020

049: Hobby Car Corvette’s RJ Sottile

Hobby Car Corvette opened its doors in 1986 with only 13 Vettes. Today, they are the largest C3 Corvette dealer in the world. Learn more about RJ Sottile and which Corvettes he picks to Keep, Cash and Crush!