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Posted: 03/23/2023

244: 10 Questions with Wayne Carini

What is Wayne’s favorite meal? His favorite family memory? His favorite band? Was he at Woodstock? Greg Stanley goes beyond cars and learns some surprising facts about our favorite car chaser.

Posted: 02/24/2022

188: Land Rover Market Trends

In this episode Greg Stanley reviews recent Land Rover market trends with Adam Check from Copley Motorcars.

Posted: 10/14/2021

168: The Ultimate JDM Garage with Sean Morris

Sean Morris is the JDM expert behind the magic that happens at Toprank Importers. Sean reviews the differences between the Nissan Skyline R32s, R33s and R34s and shares his Ultimate JDM Garage. There are even a few cars that Greg has never hear of before!

Posted: 04/08/2021

115: Next Gen Cars with F40 Motorsports’ Mike Roberts

Mike Roberts, from Wayne Carini's F40 Motorsports, shares his thoughts on what the next generation of collectors are looking for when purchasing something special for their garage. Greg and Mike review everything from entry level Porsches to Lancias to BMW E39s.

Posted: 04/01/2021

114: Wayne Carini’s Ultimate Garage

Wayne Carini joins Greg Stanley to share what 10 cars would earn a spot in his Ultimate Garage. Greg reviews the recent market trends for each and we find out what antique automobile Wayne recently gave his five-year-old grandson.

Posted: 04/09/2020

062: Cars & Covid

The world is coping with the Covid-19 pandemic and the financial impact will be felt for many years to come.