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Posted: 12/19/2019

046: The 12 Days of a Car Christmas

What 12 cars would you have on your 12 Days of a Car Christmas wish list? Listen into our special version and hear why Greg picked these particular cars.

Posted: 12/12/2019

045: Are Air-Cooled Porsche Prices Declining?

Are Porsche values headed off a cliff like a herd of clueless lemmings? Is it time to sell your 1963 356As Bs, Cs and 911 Gs and put all of your cash into near mint Toyota Tercels from 1983?

Posted: 11/28/2019

043: Mercedes Benz Market Trends

This is a follow up to Pierre Hedary's interview. Find out which Mercedes are depreciating in today's market and which ones to watch out for.

Posted: 10/17/2019

037: Kids Say the Darndest Things…about CARS!

Join Greg Stanley as he reads letter from kids about their first experience in a classic car. Provided by the Lane Motor Museum, these letters were written as a part of their Then & Now exhibit.

Posted: 10/10/2019

036: Fox Body Mustang Market Trends

Join Greg Stanley as he reviews the market trends for the Fox Body Mustangs. Greg will identify which ones have appreciated the most, which ones to stay away from and which Mustangs were a better investment over time than the stock market.