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Muscle/Pony/Sports Cars

Posted: 02/06/2020

053: Does SIZE Matter? Muscle Car Trends

Does size matter? Small-blocks verses big-blocks. Hi-Po verses the base model. GTOs verses Le Mans, 426s verses 318s, Boss 429s verses Boss 302s, Yenkos verses SSs.

Posted: 01/16/2020

050: What Car is Worth its Weight in Gold?

Everyone's heard the phrase, "worth their weight in gold". But how often does someone do the math? Today we are going to find out what cars are worth their weight in gold.

Posted: 01/09/2020

049: Hobby Car Corvette’s RJ Sottile

Hobby Car Corvette opened its doors in 1986 with only 13 Vettes. Today, they are the largest C3 Corvette dealer in the world. Learn more about RJ Sottile and which Corvettes he picks to Keep, Cash and Crush!

Posted: 10/10/2019

036: Fox Body Mustang Market Trends

Join Greg Stanley as he reviews the market trends for the Fox Body Mustangs. Greg will identify which ones have appreciated the most, which ones to stay away from and which Mustangs were a better investment over time than the stock market.

Posted: 07/25/2019

026: The Ugliest Cars @ Monterey

Some cars are just GOSHAWFULUGLY yet they still manage to be awesome. Find out which ones are coming up for auction at Monterey.