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Muscle/Pony/Sports Cars

Posted: 11/11/2020

094: The Ultimate Mopar Garage

What cars would be in your Ultimate Mopar Garage? Join Greg Stanley as he reviews 10 of the most significant Mopars in automotive history.

Posted: 10/28/2020

092: Electrifying Results in Elkhart

Greg Stanley covers the incredible results from RM Sotheby's auction of the Elkhart Collection. Over 240 highly collectable cars crossed the auction block and a few realized record prices.

Posted: 10/01/2020

088: The Fastest Car from Every Decade

The Bugatti Chiron tearing down the Ehra-Lessien test track at 305 mph. Hypercars eclipsing 250 mph are a common occurrence today.

Posted: 08/20/2020

082: 15 Cars You Need to BUY NOW

What do current market trends, recent sales results and demographics tell us about which cars are wise to buy now?